T +31 (0) 20 6259303 info@arttra.com
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Museum tours
Professional art historians who can customize the contents on varying levels coordinate these museum tours. Arrangements can be made at any hour of the day and any day of the week.

The leading languages are English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Russian or Chinese.

To be combined with special city tours on feet or boat – escorted by the same guide!

Booking is also possible a week in advance

1 up to 15 per guide
All our guides are registered

Depending on your choice
(minimum 1,5 hours)

€ 125,- per hour (excl. VAT)

entrance tickets not included


The Rijksmuseum

The historic 19th-century building by architect Cuypers, reopened in 2013, has been transformed and new public facilities have been created including a spectacular new entrance hall, a new Asian pavilion and renovated gardens. Many of the prize pieces in the collection of 8,000 works have been re-displayed in a broader context telling the story of 800 years of Dutch art and history, with related paintings, furniture, silver and ceramics arranged in close proximity to each other as part of the museum’s new layout.

The world-famous collection, including masterpieces by artists such as Frans Hals, Jan Steen, Johannes Vermeer and Rembrandt van Rijn

(Golden Age) to Van Gogh and Mondriaan, is presented in chronological sequence for the first time, creating an awareness of time and a sense of beauty. 

The new Asian Pavilion houses the museum’s rich collection of Asian art from China, Japan, Indonesia, India, Vietnam and Thailand, dating from 2000 B.C. to 2000 A.D.

You can choose guided tours:

 Tours  1 hour – 1,5 hour or 2 hours

Aanvraagformulier Rijksmuseum engels
Please apply by completing the form below, at least one week before the required date. You will receive our confirmation and invoice. For further information, you can, of course, call us on +31 (0)20-6259303.

fbo  twi


cultural agency

Tweede Boomdwarsstraat 4
1015 LK Amsterdam
tel +31 (0) 20 6259303

Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

For further information please  call us or mail to info@arttra.nl