T +31 (0) 20 6259303 info@arttra.com
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City walks
Guidance by experienced art/architecture historians. To combine with walks etc – with the same guide!

Per guide
1 - 15 persons

minimum 2 hours

Price of the guide
€ 125,- per hour (excl. VAT)


Gallery tour contemporary art – walk

Who is afraid of (and fascinated by) contemporary art? Art galleries play a major role on the rich cultural scene of Amsterdam. Especially the galleries in which seek to present the most recent and experimental in paintings, graphics, photography, new medias, are well represented. ARTTRA introduces you, in an interesting and pleasurable way, to renowed galleries. Your arthistorian guide will accompany you to a selection of galleries, depending on your time available.

The gallery owner will introduce you and your guests to contemporary art. Meanwhile you will have the opportunity to look at the art on display.

Starting point: Jordaan at the Noorderkerk. See also www.onlinegallerytour.com 

Prices depending on your wishes and the number of participants.

Aanvraagformulier Wandeling Galeries hedendaagse kunst-engels
Please apply by completing the form below, at least one week before the required date. You will receive our confirmation and invoice. For further information, you can, of course, call us on +31 (0)20-6259303.



cultural agency

Tweede Boomdwarsstraat 4
1015 LK Amsterdam
tel +31 (0) 20 6259303

Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

For further information please  call us or mail to info@arttra.com